Verbal memory

Verbal memory is a term used in Cognitive Psychology that refers to memory of words and other abstractions involving language.

Verbal Encoding

Verbal Encoding refers to the interpretation of verbal stimuli. Verbal Encoding appears to be strongly left-lateralized in the medial temporal lobe of the human brain, however, its functional neuroanatomy can vary between individuals.[1]

Verbal Recall

Verbal Recall refers to the recollection of verbal information. Although left-lateralization is typically associated with language, studies suggest that symmetrical bi-lateralization of language in the brain is advantageous to verbal recall.[2]


  1. ^ Assessment of verbal memory by fMRI: Lateralization and functional neuroanatomy Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Volume 111, Issue 1, Pages 57-62 A. Jansen, C. Sehlmeyer, B. Pfleiderer, J. Sommer, C. Konrad, P. Zwitserlood, S. Knecht
  2. ^ Symmetries in human brain language pathways correlate with verbal recall Marco Catani*,†,‡,§, Matthew P. G. Allin†, Masud Husain¶, Luca Pugliese*, Marsel M. Mesulam‖, Robin M. Murray†, and Derek K. Jones**